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Writer's pictureSmall Town Productions


Owners Information:

Name: Bridgett Worling and David Fosbery

Phone: 416-576-0887

Hello Folks! This is Sunny, he is a large one-year-old Hungarian kuvasz, last seen on January 20th near Hastings Ontario off of Centre Line Hastings between 6th and 7th line Asphodel. The family is worried sick about their boy hoping he will make it back home soon. He was originally on the family farm in Bailieboro Ontario when he took off after some large dear. The family has been in contact with the breeder who estimates these dogs can travel up to 75 kilometers a day according to the average for that breed of dog.

There have also been sightings near Campbellford Ontario of a dog that may be the same one or at least a very similar breed. This family is refusing to give up hope and know that they will see their furry companion again soon. If you see Sunny (from the above photo) please call them at 416-576-0887

They urge the public that Sunny is very friendly and means no harm to anyone. They ask you not to approach him and call their number if sighted, just in case he gets spooked off into a new area. If you or your friends, loved ones, teachers, or colleagues live in the area, please keep an eye our for Sunny and share this article to as many as possible. Let's bring this fur baby home.

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